Viability Studies



Housing People Partnerships produces Viability Studies on subject sites with detailed information relating to:

Property specific information

Relating to site location, existing structures and current service status. We also consider comparative analysis data with respect to local pricing/availability and current planning status as well as the site’s planning history.

Local Borough Policies and Central Government directives

Synopses of relevant Area Action Plans, Supplementary Planning Documents, Local Development Frameworks and Affordable Housing Programmes. Copies of all documents to be provided on request.

Registered Provider information

RP status with the Homes and Communities Agency;  RP preferred partner status in boroughs; housing stock of particular RP’s in the locality; up to date advice on which RP’s are active in different locations.

Optimisation service

Maximise Grant; advice with planning and RP requirements; experienced with local government.

Results and Conclusions

Detailed analysis and research in easily accessible formats which presents a clear path to delivery of the project .