Site Owners and Developers


Housing People Partnerships provides site owners and developers with solutions to the complex issues arising in today’s continually changing market.

Sales and Marketing

Our sales and marketing process determines the optimum means of disposal. We broker site sales, package deals and joint/multiple party ventures to bridge the gap between Developers and RP’s.

Front Loaded Finance

HPP helps to negotiate development agreements designed to ease the funding requirements on Site Owners and Developers: we aim to reduce the financial burden through the instigation of significant land transfer payments combined with regular installments throughout the build process.

Planning Consent

We assist in securing ideal planning consents utilising established relationships with Planning Consultants, RP’s, Enabling Departments and Development Control.

Legislation Updates

We continually monitor all new legislation pertaining to housing policy and funding which allows us to keep clients abreast of sector developments and deliver the most cost-effective solutions.

Development Agreements

Management of development agreement negotiations and relationships.

Viability assessments

We provide viability assessments using the GLA (3 Dragons) Toolkit, the HCA Development Appraisal Tool (DAT) and Argus Developer.

Development Appraisal Toolkit Analysis

We offer DAT analysis for sites throughout the country.

Section 106 sales and negotiations

We have broad experience in section 106 sales ranging from 150+ units to small allocations; we have acted for many clients in section 106 negotiations to ensure the correct level of contributions are included at a viable level.

Viability Studies

HPP produces Viability Studies outlining development potential of sites.


HPP can also offer a professional consultant valuation service.

Deeds of Variation

HPP has a strong track record in attaining Deeds of Variation on behalf of clients, thereby unlocking stalled developments.